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2005-05-25 - 1:49 p.m.

Sitting here with bright red hair dye on my head. Haven't updated much as been working so much and spending the rest of the time resting, but actually have a day off today. It's my littlest brother Christopher's 18th birthday as well today, so i'll be visiting my fathers side of the family for dinner tonight and photo's will be taken so needed to sort out my hair. Only had it done 10days ago, but the red faded so much it went peachy and bits even reduced to blonde, so had to be topped up.
Working tomorrow for 2&1/2hours at pizza hut before teaching at west mearsea, then working 3&1/4hours at pizza hut on friday before teaching at Halstead and then have been scheduled to do this saturday to the following sunday at pizza hut 9 hour shifts each day cos its half term, and I agreed cos I really need the money, but now worried it'll be the end of me!!! I had all of last week off as was in agony with my back. We'll see, i normally manage to push myslef to ridiculous boundries and pay for the consequences later.
Hope you lot are all being more sensible with your health than I am. xxxx



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